Colin D. Mallard
Colin Mallard was born in England during World War II, and immigrated to Canada with his parents as a youth. While attending college in Boston, Massachusetts, he was active in the Civil Rights and Peace Movements of the 1960s. During a peace rally at Boston Common, he witnessed the brutal beating of a demonstrator by police. His visceral response showed him his own capacity for violence, sharpening his desire to know and understand himself. He needed to know what gives rise to violence and, more importantly, to peace.
His formal education focused on Philosophy, Theology, Literature and Psychology. A long-standing interest in spiritual matters drew him deeply, first into Western philosophy and then into Eastern philosophy, particularly Taoism and Advaita Vedanta. He met and studied with the late French Advaita master, Dr. Jean Klein, and with the Indian Advaita master, Ramesh S. Balsekar. Over a span of eighteen years he traveled many times to India to visit Ramesh. In the presence of these masters he attained an understanding that brought with it a sense of peacefulness. He spent twelve years in the Unitarian-Universalist ministry and twenty-five years as a psychotherapist.
Today, Colin spends his time engaged in writing, carpentry, soccer, photography, and gardening. He travels on occasion, body surfs when he can, and lives in Canada with his wife.

You may contact Colin D. Mallard by email at:

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