Linda M. Potter
ABOUT THE AUTHOR — A stand-up comedian was Ms. Potter’s first career choice. Practicality won out, though, and Potter pursued a BA degree in Speech and Theatre, and an MA degree in Theatre Arts.
"My professional resume reads like a Wikipedia entry for Attention Deficit Disorder. I've had more jobs than hair colors and filled out more career aptitude forms than tax returns."
Her sense of humor and love of the theatrics continued to serve her well, even though she found herself cast (and occasionally miscast) in a variety of leading and supporting roles—wife, mother, actor, director, college instructor, retail business owner, licensed spiritual counselor, workshop facilitator, freelance writer, editor, and public speaker.
As the Managing Editor for BellaSpark Magazine and head writer for BellaSpark Productions—a company offering motivational workshops, seminars, and events in Colorado, Washington, and Vancouver, Canada, Ms. Potter writes the featured interviews about such dynamic authors as Shirley MacLaine, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Gregg Braden, Alan Cohen, John Randolph Price, Iyanla Vanzant, Lynn McTaggart, Joan Borysenko, Brian Weiss, James Twyman, John Holland, and Dr. Joe Dispenza. Potter’s response to working with these extraordinary, leading authors: "I feel like a kid in a spiritual candy store!"
Potter’s loyal readers love her digestible, comedic insights offered in her quirky, yet grounded messages on life’s challenges and the ‘signs’ that offer responses to those challenges. Linda’s armchair comedic advice, on how to ask for and recognize ‘signs from God’ coined her humor as the Erma Bombeck of Metaphysics. Where does Potter find ‘signs from God?’ Signs are everywhere . . . the laundry room, outside her living room window, at the movies, art museums, airports, highways, shopping malls, or occasionally, along a walking trail in the Rocky Mountain high country.
Linda’s freelance writing career spans thirty years, publishing several hundred articles (and one play). She’s a successful spiritual counselor, assisting clients with personal- and spiritual- growth. Linda speaks to audiences of all sizes.


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