




Linda Nicole PotterMaureen Dudley

ABOUT THE AUTHOR —Ms. Dudley received her Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering from Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology.

After moving to Colorado, Maureen’s career as an Environmental Engineer began with the State of Colorado.

After more than two decades of working for state and then local governments, Maureen decided it was time for a change. She discovered that working in solitude suited her. With first Kilty and now Charley (pictured) at her side, Ms. Dudley has transitioned into her next career—writing. 

Plateau – voices of the earth is Ms. Dudley’s debut novel and Book I in a Trilogy about our efforts to protect and preserve our natural environments—how what we ultimately do, as either good or bad stewards of our planet, affects the next seven generations and earth’s future timelines.

Join Christine Andrew for Enlightened Radio Interview with Maureen Dudley - about her book
"The Plateau - Voices of the Earth"

Enlightening Radio What's the impact of our actions - both big and seemingly inconsequential - on our future generations? How do our collaborative processes, both in our daily interactions as well as our creative ones, impact who we become in our lives? We're talking about that and more with author Maureen Dudley as we delve into her first book - Plateau, Voices of the Earth.

The plot is intriguing, the characters compelling, and the questions and challenges that are contained within point us all back to questions about our own lives and actions and how they are literally affecting the future that has yet to come. The book is all fiction but many of the environmental issues that are contained are straight from today's headlines - many of which we bet you've never heard and need to know. Could the information and the storyline change your own actions in the world? We think so!

The book hits the shelves on April 22, 2013 - it's Earth Day!

For more about Maureen, Plateau, and the upcoming books in the trilogy, as well as a glimpse of the full cover of the book (it's wonderful!), please visit www.maureendudleybooks.com.




contact the author

Website: http://www.maureendudleybooks.com/maureen.php


point THE PLATEAU – voices of the earth by Maureen Dudley - Book One of a Trilogy (On Sale - Earth Day, April 22, 2013)


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